             In this blog, we are going to see about the health. How the people are strong and live for long years in this world. Mostly , In eighteenth and nineteenth century people are more strong and live happily even though they are poor. Average people's life was upto 100 years. even now also see that 100 years old man and women in this world. so, now arising big doubt in your mind that is how they are lived upto 100-120 years without affecting by any disease and how  did they survive and how their internal and external factor of their body is strong .All this happen because of only one reason know as Health. Health is the main reason for all this questions arise in your mind.

                                     But in this modern world that is Digitalized world , Average people's life was upto 60 years. why this happen and what is the reason for people only live upto 60 years and why their body is not supported after 60 years old. One of scenario is affecting and very sensitive for that things happen in this, what that sensitive suitation happens that is even for 10 years old child have sugar 
so, why that is happen .In this modern world, whatever technology is developed  and world move to new digital generation  peoples death was increase day by day. So, see about the full details of health and try to fit the body strong by physically and mentally. 

How the people are strong and healthy?
                                            The 80 years ago, peoples are do their work manually and there is no mechanical instruments or tools are used .whatever work, all these works are do manually and all the times there is an physical action in their body , there is an full movement in their body during the works .so, all the muscles are active and also  all our Nervous system in our body are active during the work. If all the muscles and nervous are active means then automatically they are physically strong .
                                             In earlier stage ,there is no technical or mechanical instrument know as Tractor (Tractor is an Vehicle used for agricultural work) instead we use Bullocks for the agricultural works. manually , peoples use this Bullocks to re-construction of the land. during this activities deep soils or soils present in the deep of the land comes outside and that soil is fresh and used for agricultural activities.

       Food is one of most and important factor or terms is the main reason for they are physically strong and have a full of energy to do any things or any work in this world because ,they eat a healthy foods and snacks . They take a healthy foods and fruits .one of the important Factor is all the Fruits and Foods are  grow naturally For growing the Vegetables and fruits use natural and organic fertilizers (Organic Fertilizer are taken from Cows Waste and vegetables wastes ).so, in early days ,they are taken the healthy and natural foods
Examples: most taken and healthy foods are the CEREALS

Top 6 Cereals used for health:
  •  Corn
  •  Maize
  •  Millets
  •  Oats
  •  Wheat Flour
  •  Bajra
In Modern Days:
                          There is no foods and Vegetables are grow Naturally full of Artifical method due to technologies developed in these ten years. All the works are comes under the machines. I think after the 25 years ,all the works are do by the Robots .so, there is no work for humans .If the technical instruments are increased then works do by the humans are decrease so, automatically there is no physical movement from humans and then there is no action in the nervous of our nervous system
so, It leads to decrease our strength and continousely  lose our physical fitness. so, In other way only we improve our physical Fitness

What are the other ways to improve physical Fitness?
                                                                              There are many ways to improve our body condition. we physically strong by doing some exercises and by eating the healthy foods .     

                                                                                 First, we regularly do some physical exercises in early morning and also we choose evening times for do exercises. Atleast ,do exercise for half an hour is better to make our body healthy and physically strong in conditions 
                                                                                 Do the exercises in daily routines to improve our health.
                                                                                 If it is hard to do exercises means then there are some easiest ways  to improve our body of the best way is to walk .Take walking in early morning is the best and super way for improve our health. By Walking, we can also give the physical movement in our body and by breathing the oxygen in early morning is good to our body 
we can walk for one hour means it is useful for every parts of the body. In presence of sunlight means we naturally get Vitamin D synthesis it is also an additional strength to our body. 

Advantage of Walking:     
  •                                  By Walking, our Digestion process is fast and easy to digest means there is no problem releated to the stomach.
  •                                  By Walking, our legs are in movement so all the nervous is also in movement and it will improve our Nervous System
  •                                  By Walking, our blood circulation is good and if blood circulation is good in our body then all the systems in the body also good.

We can also choose Evening time for walking. If you love the nature and be free and walk means it will avoid the stress related problems in our body. And also If you avoid some oily foods and also avoid some unwanted foods means it keeps our body healthy .They are:
  • To avoid salts and Sugar
  • To avoid the Fast Foods
  • To avoid the oily Foods
And take fruits is best ways to improve our body health. Early Wake-up is good activities and properly sleep on the time is good activities .These are some other ways to be in healthy condition and without affecting from any diseases.



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