What is mean by Social Media?

                                                    In this Digital world  ,We can't live without social Media .So, what is mean by Social Media? .Social Media's is an technologies developed by different languages .Social Media is mainly used for the communication purposes.

Early World:

In early's 19th century ,there is no instant communication   among  the people ,there is an slow communication between the people. some of the examples of nineteenth century inventions for the communication are

  •           Telegraph
  •          Telephone
  •          Postal Services


                 In Telegraph is mainly used for transmitting the messages through the long wires. point to point to messaging only. In this, there is a no group communication between the people. But in this modern world, we can easily transmitting the messages from one person to another person or one person to group of persons. In this modern world ,all are comes under the Wireless Technology .Wireless Technology means without using of wires we can able to transmit the messages or communicate with each other.

Postal Services:

In this postal services ,one person is individually write the text in the white paper and cover it in the post cover and mention their Address and also mention their Receiver side Address also in the cover. Normally, It take more times to communicate with that person (It takes more days to reach the receiver side address ) sometimes ,It take 2 weeks to reach the receiver side. After that receiver will write their content in the white paper and he/she will posting their letter it also takes more times or days to that person. so, It is the slow communication between the person.

Modern World:

                 In this Modern world, all the works can do within fraction of seconds due to develop in technologies. Due to creative mind and invention of various things can lead this world .In this modern revolution or modern generation Social Media is playing a important role  or indirectly lead this modern world. Social Media is for sharing their information or exchange the information very instantly and fastly. other definition for social Media is communication among the people .Main advantage of the Social Media is even people are in different places ,it is easy for to communicate them.Even ,they can exchange their photos or exchange their videos or even we can store that videos and photos in the cloud storage. These all things are do because of developed in the technologies. 

All our information are stored as Database. We can retrieve the information from that database

Some of the Social Media's are 

  • You Tube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Linkedln

In this Digitalized World ,Even people are educated or uneducated ,poor or rich ,all the people have an account in the above mention Social Media. some of the information about the You Tube are seen below

You Tube:

You Tube is an one kind of Social Media. Most popular and reach among the people. First ,we create the You Tube account and main advantage  of the You Tube is to collection of different videos and displaying the videos as the user interest .user can search different videos and watch the interested videos even if you are attracted by that video you can give good comments or give likes to that video.

                                                        If you want to put your favourite videos means first of all we want to create one channel, in that channel you can put your videos .The users are even Subscribed to your channel If users are attracted by your videos. once users are subscribed to your channel and after continously  watching your videos if you upload in that platform .You Tube was founded in the year of 2005 (Feb), You Tube was developed by Steve chen , Chad Hurley 

                                                         so, it is considered as good video platform and sharing of videos through online and also we can watch the videos in offline also if we downloaded it. we can also live stream of videos games . one of best scenerio for the You Tube is to have an achievement of 100 million views for one video  ,He is an Tamil actor known as Dhanush has an pride to say that has more achievements in his life but he is trending among the You Tube for reaching the 100 Million views for singing the "why this Kolavari" song  for 3 film. This song was composed by the Anirudh(music Director) .That song was considered as the Highest viewed Indian song in the You Tube.

By You Tube ,we can earn Money by putting the videos in their channel. If that videos was viewed by particular amount of viewers and had particular amount of subscribers  ,then that channel was eligible to get the money. It is also considered as one of possibility for earning money through online. Due to Covid Suitation  or due to lock down ,the peoples can carry their work via home. for the other peoples use this opportunity and involved in the social media's and spent more times in the social media for getting some income through the You Tube. people take some effort to attract the viewers  in the you tube for earning moneys.

Remaining platforms are seen in upcoming blogs.





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