
                           In this blog ,we are going to discuss about the Pimples. All are try to make their  faces beautiful  with artificial products. Artificial   products  like applying many  face creams or apply face washes etc. Why they apply this kind products? Main reason for applying this kind  face creams or face washes to make their face beauty or to cover the pimples or to manage the black skin on their faces.

                                            Pimples are main reasons for affecting their faces. Mostly Women are affected by this kind pimples.  Not only affect the girls or women these pimples also affect the boys or mans. most of the men and women are spent time to control their pimples and to control without increasing of their pimples in the faces.

                                      For the first times pimples will appear in their faces means they try to pulled out from the face but it will increase their pimples count so not decrease their pimples rate and also there is an possibility for  causing  black skin in the place of where the pimples are present .

what are the reasons for appearing of pimples present in the face?

                                                            If you are going outside means dust will store in their faces and it will leads to pimples on their faces and it will affect our beauty face and  also reasons for arising of pimples is the first and foremost reason is if the face became oily means it result is to be the only way to control their pimples are not to touch the pimples and don't try to open the pimples .If you opened that pimples watery substance present in that pimples are come outside and it will spread on the remaining parts of the area on the faces. If the more heats are present in the body means it will promote their heat in the form of pimples.

other  ways for appearing of pimples:

                              If you  have constipation or you share your beds / towels/ soap or you have Dandruff or use the high chemical content creams or you have the digestion problem or you take less amount of drinking water or you eat high amount of oily food .all these are one of the reasons for you to cause of  the pimples. if you have any one of the above said problems will leads to the pimples .

How to control the pimples?

first you know the reasons for why the pimples are appeared in our faces and then take treatment for that problems and don't take unnecessary treatment with your own properly discuss with Doctor and then take action related to that problem. But below mention are some of the ways to remove the pimples  naturally or  manage the faces with beauty with less dangerous problems.

Lemon Juices:

  Lemon Juices are  taken from the lemon and Massage that juices in the place of pimples and then washes the faces with pure water means it will remove the pimples from the faces and the beauty of the faces is also increases. 

Tomato Juices:

First Tomato are converted into liquid form(that is Tomato Juices).Tomato juices are taken from ripen Tomato and apply that juices in the present of the pimples after dry of the faces ,then wash the face with cold water .It will do for 3 days per weak .Then you will see the changes in the face (that juice will remove the pimples ).


   Take the pure turmeric powder and powder is mixed with the pure honey. Mixed form of turmeric powder and honey should be applied to the pimples means the toxic substance present in the pimples are removed and also removal of whole pimples present in the faces.

Garlic and Onion:

                              Take the Garlic and converted into powder form(that is crushing the garlic means we get the garlic in the powder form) and it will apply to your faces means it will control the size of the pimples and like that take the juicy form of onion and apply to the face means it also remove the pimples.

Banana Skin:

          Take the skin of the banana and mixed with cow's milk or curd .Now take the mixed form of  banana skin and  curd's .If you regularly apply this mixed form means it will remove of the root of the pimples and  make the face more smoothness and black skin present in the face also removed and face like a white face. 

Some other fruits know  as Cucumber  and Cactus also used to remove the pimples

Cactus are used not only for medicine purpose and also used for beauty purposes also 





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