
                  Yeah! you are in correct page and in write way to see about the Information technology. Now, you can get full details about the Information Technology .  The short form of the Information Technology is "I.T". All are used as common term for Information Technology is I.T. Now-a-days peoples are mostly used the term as IT. why they mostly used this term IT? Why this term is popular among the people? what are the reasons for people choosing IT. what is the main advantage of IT and what are disadvantage of IT. Let us discuss one by one .

Why IT is popular among the people ?

                                               Day by day ,there is a  more possibility for increasing of technology in this world. there is no more possibility for decreasing of technology in this digital world. Information Technology is main reasons for to achieve  as the name as "Digital world" . New inventions and new models are developed due to Information Technology. Around ten years , build a large buildings and now a days also try to construct the large buildings. Why they are focus to build a large buildings and what they do with that buildings. For IT work we need of Computer facilities and good communication skills and there should be a good stable Internet connections.

                                               Now ,in your mind there is an possibility for you arising of big ,what that doubt means "why they need a large number of computer systems and why did they have a good stable internet connection" because of Information Technology is to have work with of only computer systems and what they do with systems(PC/laptop) means they want to store all the data related to their companies . retrieve the data from the database when they need of any important data and whenever doubt arises related to their work means we easily take the previous data and check with that. There are more number of IT companies and MNC Companies are in India and in this world. so, For that companies to manage their work and to operate in the systems they need a huge number of peoples to work in that companies .

How the companies get the people for their work?

                                                         For operating the systems and manage the work the companies are focused on  the person should have the good computer knowledge  (laptop/pc) to overcome or solved the problems related to their works on the computer. Person should be strong in programming languages and also should be strong communication skills(Basic Language needed is English).The programming languages are 

  •   C
  •   C++
  •   JAVA
  •   PYTHON

These  programming languages are sufficient to work with the computers and companies also expect from these above mentioned languages. By Testing their computer knowledge and they decide that weather that person is eligible and suitable for our companies and our environment . IT companies are needed to take the large number of employees for that companies because of complete their task or work within the given time limits. so ,IT companies are ready to take the  more, only all the peoples are try to learn about the Information Technology and try to get Job in IT companies. So , this is the reasons for popular  of  Information Technology  in this world. Information Technology get a good scope  among the world.  some of Advance technology and sub-areas of IT are  Block chain Technology , Cybersecurity  and  Data Science. These are some of the emerging technology developed in this world .Data Science a good scope and it is emerged in the two years. Data scientist  have a good value in this world. Our advise to learn about the data science clearly and  to become a good Data scientist  . so, this is the reasons for choosing of IT. let us discuss about the programming languages in Information Technology.

What is mean by C language?

                                 C language is the basic languages  for all other programming languages and from the c languages only we derive the new inventions all our invention and technology is developed from the C languages. From the C languages only we develop the other languages know as C++, JAVA .By using the syntax of the C languages we develop JAVASCRIPT,PHP etc. C language is structural Programming languages. It was developed in the year of 1972. It was developed by the Dennis. for communicate the operating systems via C languages. First we write the header section for to develop the simple program .whatever we program develop via c languages first, we write header section.

In these above diagram,2 nd line indicate that header section of this program. These are some of the examples of the header. some more examples are:

Header section are 




these are some of the examples of the header section .stdio .h is the standard input and output .C++ is the Object Oriented programming languages .

what are the Object oriented programming Languages?

                          C++ and JAVA are the Object Oriented Programming Languages .C++ is developed from the C languages used for system development. It is simple languages and have high library functions and middle level languages and speed of execution is faster in C++. 

                        From JAVA ,we develop of more real time applications. for example, Mobile games are developed from the JAVA only. It was developed in the year of 1995 but it was initiated in the year of 1991.         

Main Advantages OF IT:

                                      First and Foremost advantage is to collect the data and store the data .we can also store the data in the cloud. Now-a-days all our data are stored in the  cloud only. These area also emerging nowadays. Topic name is Know as Cloud Computing.

                                        second, famous topic  is Computer Network. Computer Network is an important area in the Information Technology to communicate with network wirelessly .There are so-many protocols are there to communicate with the network.

                                       Due to IT companies ,more peoples are get employed by the, giving more opportunities for the people to get the work.

                                       Due to IT companies, Technologies are developing day by day.  

                                        salary is high in IT fields.

                                                                                                                                                         Disadvantage of IT:

  •                       Working Hours are more in IT
  •                              It becomes stressful Life
  •                              IT will affect our body physically and mentally.
  •                              It will leads to increase our blood pressure rate and and affect our eyes if we continously see the laptop or computer.
  •                             Continously sitting in one place to work at computer.




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