
                       Yeah! you are in correct page to see about what is mean by Google? What are products that google will run and how successfully we run and lead this world?. They are so many things to discuss about google. we will see shortly about the google. Wherever you go in this world .we can't live without google in this world. we can't imagine without google in our life . suppose , there is an no google means how we live in this world and how we make our life easier and faster. Whatever problems arise in your life Google Database has an solution to solve your problem. If you have any doubt related to your education or health or entertainment or sports  etc whatever you have an doubt google we will easily solve that issues within the fraction of seconds.

                                             Now you have big doubt arising in your mind that is how they solve our problems in faster way (how they quickly solve our issues) means in one search google can help you to solve your issue or problems. within the seconds you can get different types of solution to that problem .we can get different types of solution in different types of places or different types of states or different types of country and etc.

How we can get different types of solution?

                                                         There is an problem arise in your work means first we try our own way to solve that work suppose we not have an idea means in our mind or hand first we go for phone and take the google search page and search or browse the content in the Google through the internet. why we search in google because we can get large number of solution for that problems in the large number of websites in the google .we notice the points means we can get the solution within the seconds (Important reasons for repeating of this sentence means how the google server was fast and watch that how they quickly responded for our request ).All are posted their solution in their website for a particular problem . 

So, Finally what is mean by Google means Google is an Search Engine ,we can easily search our problems and we easily we can get the solution from that Engine. Chief Executive Officer of the Google was SUNDAR PICHAI .We are proudly to say that he was an Indian -Born and especially he was born an TAMIL NADU. Surely Tamil Nadu peoples were happy to say him name wherever boldly and happily. He was born in Madurai , Madurai was an very famous  city for Meenakshi Amman temple and also Madurai was an famous place for also Jasmine flower and Jigar Thanda drinks.  

Different types of products available in Google:

                                There are many types of products has been released in google . They are

  1. Google Maps
  2. Google News
  3. Google Play Store
  4. Google Drive
  5. Google Meet
  6. Google Photos
  7. Google Ads
  8. Google Forms
  9. Google Sheets
  10. Google Classroom
  11. Google Blogger
  12. Google Contact
  13. Google one
  14. Google Calendar
  15. Google Podcast
  16. Google Slides
  17. Google Earth
  18. Google Translate
  19. Google Chat
  20. Google Documents
  21. Google collection
  22. Google Mail


 There are some other products also available in google . But now we are discussing about some of the Google products one by one .

Google Mail:

                    Google mail shortly called as Gmail. Gmail is one of the super and important products  available from the google . There are many products available from the google but Gmail is one of best product for the communication purposes. We can convey our messages through the Gmail . Now only we use social media for chatting and for communication purposes  before there is an social media we use Gmail for communication purposes . All business mans are use the Gmail for their works and activities. if you have an google account we can create the Gmail account also. Even we can send images also in Gmail.

Google Drive:

                        Google Drive is one of the important products in Google and Google Drive is mainly used for the storage purposes. We can store our important Documents (PDF, WORD, EXCEL), videos , images , Screenshots of the images etc. we can store upto 15 GB for one Google Account. This 15 Gb is enough for the normal persons to store all type of documents. Google Drive is mainly used for the Business mans to store their important Documents and Files . suppose we need to store more than 15 Gb means it is also possible in the Google Drive by the paying the money we can get additional storage and used this storage for storing the important documents. 

Google Play Store:

                          Whatever Apps or Books or Games we needed we can easily install from the Google play store for our devices. It is one of the best platform whatever we needed our devices we can able to get from the one app know as Google Play Store. Whatever games like online games (PUBG , Free Fire ,Rummy ) and offline games (cards games or car games or board games  ) . for our children also we can easily get the app from the play stores .

Google Meet :

                       Google Meet is one of the best platform for communication purpose through video call. Main feature of the Google meet is we can easily able to communicate with others through Face to Face Communication . It's the main  advantage for the peoples those who can live in different places and they need to contact means it is the best platforms even it has an another feature is we can make conference too that is we can easily contact with multiple persons through the online . In this corona time, one of the best app or tool to connect all the students through google meet and teach their syllabus via online classes .

Google Maps:

                     Google Maps are the best tool for finding the different places routes . we can easily find the destination place even we can get the how many distance are there from the Source to Destination points . We can get the accurate destination if you search via Google Maps. Even we can get Short routes for the Destination places and we can also able to get satellite maps for that place .


 Google Chat:

                  For your reference we only insert the images of Google Chat

Google News:

                          From the Google News, We can easily get the news that occurred in our day to day Life . we can easily update our knowledge or easily learn new things in our life via Google News. we can get the news that trending in our world . whatever that happens in this world like sports  , Health , Entertainment , Corona News , Technology News that are easily we can get in the Google News. so, Google News are most helpful for the people those who are increase their mind or knowledge and we easily get the news in their mother language or we can easily get the news about the state News or Country News or World News etc.

Google Translate:

                          Whatever Language you need we can easily translate from the Google Translate . Most persons are known at to the maximum of Five languages and other languages are did not scenario for Google Translate is suppose we can get the offer from the different countries and you will receive the mail in unknow languages means what will we do? for this cases Google Translate is best tool . we can easily convert from the unknow language  to Know languages  .All languages are available in Google Translate in the A to Z order. 

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