Introduction :

                 In this blog or content , you are getting some information about the Television and the channels. we are going to discuss about the Television that is What are the benefits by watching Television and What are the disadvantages if we are watching Television.  Television is one of the Entertainment for all the Children and men and women. In earlier world there is an only black and white Tv but now there are many types of branded television's are available and quality of televisions are developed day by day . some of the branded Televisions are Panasonic , LED , LCD , MI brands are popular in nowadays.

                                                                      By Television , we are getting more knowledge through the television. Television is one of the best tool or platform for getting more information that is Television is shared more activities and information that is occurred in the world through the Channels present in the Television. Television will provide all type of Information and it will covers all type of people like small kids and middle level children , Adolescence and Adults . There are Thousands of channels present in the Television and all type of channels give their ideas that is all the channels are share their videos according to what type of channel they are naturally focused for . For example , now you can get clear ideas like suppose 

                 News channel means their natural ways to run their channel is by covering the day to day activities occurred in this world  . News channel will Mostly cover the adults and old men because new channels are mostly viewed by men and adults. In this Corona time, all the news are get through the News Channels . New channels will take more efforts to cover the whatever news occurred in the district level or state level or National level or country level(Within the country ) or World level(it will covers the news that occur in this world or outside the world). News channel will cover all types of News . Within the news channel splits the news into different types of news.


Different types of News are :

     Sports News[Cricket(IPL News , International Cricket News, Domestic Cricket News ) , Football , Olympics, etc ] . 

     Local News (it will cover the normal activities of the people)

     Tamil Nadu News (it will cover whole Tamil Nadu)

     Politics News (it will cover entire Politics news)

      National News ( it will cover whole India)

      World News ( it will cover the World level News)

Examples for news channel :   Polymer News , Sun News , Puthiyathalaimurai News . These are some of the News channel present in the Tamil Nadu.

Advantages From the News channel:

                                 we can able to update our knowledge easily through the News Channel. 

                                  We can also know about the small facts that is appear in this world from our own place. we need not to go for any other place to know about that news that is whatever problems arise in this country or in this world we can easily get the knowledge from that news.

Cartoon Channel :

              Cartoon Channel means their way for covering the children and small Kids . This channel run in the television for helping the Children and small Kids . This channel is one of the reasons for starting to develop the knowledge of children and Small Kids. Benefits Of the cartoon channel is to develop the mind of the children and also used for the learning of Alphabet letter(A-Z) and Tamil Letters. By making   the small Animation and through this develop the Kids Knowledge. 

Sports Channel:

                       This channel covers the sports related activities . This channel is mainly used for the men and boys because they are only interested in the Sports . In sports channel itself divided into different categories for example Star sports is one channel covers all the types of sports like Foot ball , cricket , Kabadi etc. In star sports itself divided into Star sports1, Star sports2, Star sports 3, Star sports Tamil, Star sports English etc . There is an other sports channel also there like ESPN, Ten Sports etc.   The IPL (Indian Premier League ) is an tough League in the world , in this cricket all the international and domestic players are mixed and form a team and play a match with others team , during IPL star sports only broadcast the all the IPL matches.

                                     so, By star sports channel ,we can get the Knowledge about the Sports related activities. Not only the education are important in our life . we give equal importance to the sports also. Sports also make the carrier for many peoples in the world suppose there is no importance given to sports means we missed some of the super heroes in our life .they are Mahendra singh Dhoni and Virat Kohli .   

Discovery Channel:

                                    By this Discovery Channel ,we can get more advantages from this . First-of-fall, From this channel we can get more knowledge about the plants and animals. This channel will show the real time risk about the plants and animals . By making the Live experiments with plants and animals , they will make the amazing shows. We will  learn the special features of all plants and animals through this Channel. In this channel, all shows will taken from the Different types of Forests and Different types of Lands , Deserts , and very cold places in our world etc . so, by seeing this show we can easily understand their plants and animals Features.

Advantage of Television:

                              First-of-fall, Television also the one of our friends. They make them entertainment for peoples. so by television we can learn more things in this world through all the channels broadcast through the satellites. we easily understand the concepts of all the problems from the Tv.

                                  During watching the Tv with Family members, it will more interactions among them . There are   good bondings among the family members were get at the time of watching TV.

                                 At the time of feeling loneleness, it is will avoid that feelings and also it will be one of the stress Buster at the time of we are in stressful environment.

Whatever there is an more advantages we get from the television , there is an also some disadvantages are there in watching the TV's. we can see some of the disadvantages:


Disadvantages from Television:

                                  The main disadvantages from the television is the Addiction . Now-a-days Most the children and kids were addicted to the Television's . It's one of the main drawbacks from the Television's.

                                   If we are continously watching the Tv's means , it will affect our eyes and brains.

                                   we are mentally and physically affected by the televisions.     so, it will affect our entire health.

                                   If we are addicted to the Television's we will not be able to concentrate on other things or we will not focused on our education .

so, we can watch televisions in our free time but we don't make watch the television for all time work                       




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