How Trees produce Oxygen and their Benefits?

Introduction :

                    In this blog , we are going to discuss about the  interesting things about the  Trees and Forests. we can't live in this world  without the trees and forests. They are equally important like water present in this world . How we can't live without water means like that we also can't live without the Trees and Forests. Trees are also called as one of the organisms and they also need water to survive . Like humans , Trees also need water and they also need a some factors to live or survive in this world. we are discuss detailed about the trees and what are the factors needed to survive in this world and How trees and Forests are help for ours and how we can benefited from the forests and trees like that they are so-many things to discuss about the Forests and Trees.

What are Factors needed for Trees to survive in this world?

                                                   First -of-fall   ,  how the Food and Water are needed for humans to grow  and how food and water are needed to live healthy life like for Trees also  some of factors are also needed to   survive they are 

  • Good carbon-di-oxide 
  • Good Water condition
  • Good Soil Condition
  • Good Sunlight 
  • Rich mineral contents 

These four factors are important and essential for the plants and Trees but they are many factors are there to survive but these four are essential and must needed for the Plants and generally called as Trees. Even from small herbs to large Trees whatever from small plants to large trees, they need a sufficient amount of water and sufficient amount of Sunlight and also need a sufficient amount of minerals content to survive . 



                            now, one big doubt is arising in your mind like "Why they need a sufficient amount of waters , sunlight  and  good soil conditions etc" because they also want energy to survive and they get energy via sunlight , waters , needed amount of carbon-di-oxide. one of the good things and one interesting fact about Trees is From the Human waste (Carbon-di-oxide) that is they take the carbon-di-oxide as the input and it will release the Oxygen(O2). so, here one of the best fact is oxygen is only needed for the humans we can't live without the Oxygen. so, by the Trees , we only benefited through the oxygen. so, see that how they covert the waste material (co2) of peoples to useful product of, see how the god will give amazing work to the trees.

 The output get from the trees are Oxygen and sufficient amount of energy needed for the Trees.

What are the Benefits we get from the Trees?

        All the Government are suggested to grow more trees. why they are suggested to plant more trees.           because, we are getting so-many benefits from the trees. we can see some of the benefits one by one .

Synthesis Of Oxygen:

                    we are continously breathing the Oxygen and we can't live without the Oxygen From the trees only we get more oxygen . Trees are syntheses more oxygen , it will essential for, only government are suggested to plant more numbers of trees and they are suggested each tree form each home. During trees are survive from in this world, we can able to get the oxygen continously.

In all the parts of the trees we can surely  get one benefits from all parts of the trees.

 Trees as Medicines Purposes:

                  All their roots, leaves or from their the Fruits , all are used for medicines purposes and There are many types of trees and forests are there in this world. That all types of trees are used for medicines purposes and it will cure many types of diseases . In earlier world, there are no such medicines facilities are there so, thing of that how they would take treatment for that diseases and how they will cure from diseases. All these questions are solved by the Ayurvedic Medicines.

                                       All types of diseases are solved from the various types trees. The whole part of the trees are used for the various purposes and especially used in the medicines field. Now ,only used the English Medicines for take treatment for the diseases. For example in earlier  world  most peoples are affected by the Small Pox diseases. It was one of the dangerous diseases in that time now ,we only we have the proper medicines for that Small box so, in earlier time they take medicines from the Neem Tree. Neem Tree have the power to control of the Small Pox diseases.   

TO Make Furniture and Doors:                             

                                         During the survive of Trees ,they synthesis the Oxygen for us to survive  and After we cut  Down  trees their wood and Timber products are used for various activities. Their Woods are used to make Furniture and various kind of Doors and Windows . For example, Always these two products have most expensive this world, they are Teak and sandal Wood are more valuable wherever parts of the world. Rich people are interested in the Teak types of products for build the construction. So, they will import the this types of products in various places. For all are used this expensive Trees for our purposes , We did not consider about the main uses of the trees we will easily cut down the trees .so , only all governments are suggested and take action for do not cut down the trees. 

How Trees Control Temperature?

                         Day-by-Day , Earth's temperature are only increased because of there is an hole in the Ozone layer . Another reasons for earth's heat are raised is Carbon-di-oxide will absorbs the heat. so ,it is the main reasons for increasing of earth temperature. So, how to control the Carbon-di-oxide rate ?. If there is more numbers of  trees and Forests are there means ,it will take the Carbon-di-oxide and by this way we control the Carbon-di-oxide rate .

                     If we cut down the trees (Deforestation rate are increase)  means there also increase in the Carbon-di-oxide rate so, absorbs rate of heat also increase through carbon-di-oxide   and it will leads to Global Warming .By Global Warming , Some cold places like Antarctica ,Ice Cubes are melt means Ocean level are also increases and it will leads to tsunami and Floods .

        So, avoid Deforestation and increase the Number of trees rate (Forestation).

To enhance the Proper Climate:

                           If we avoid the Deforestation and increase of the Forestation rate means it will enhance proper climatic conditions and Trees also get the water to survive. now-a-days we did not get a proper climatic condition because of cutting down of trees is also the one of the reasons.

For survive Of Animals and Birds:

                                  If there are only the proper and Large numbers of Trees and Forests are needed for survive of Animals and Birds . For Animals and Birds, how the water are important to survive like that they also need good shelter to live . Good Shelter means Good environment  that is Animals and Birds have all their necessary things like water , Foods and Proper the closest distance. If they have a good environment them means Food Chains are also in Correct path. These all are possible only means Of plants and Forests.

So try to plant more numbers of tress in your home and avoid deforestation. If avoid the  Deforestation , all the problems are solved and it is the one major factors. This Factors are control all our Factors are also Control.


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