
         At some point in our lives, we have all heard the phrase, "Life can only progress if we work hard day and night." But today's world has deviated a little from this thinking. The modern world says, "It is not hard work, but smart work that matters." This intelligence work is referred to as "smart work". Pointing at work, mixing skills, thinking differently, and acting innovatively are called smart work. We do not have machines to keep us running smoothly!

Smart Work 

              Imagine going to the office in the morning and doing the same kind of work until the evening. How boring! What if you have been doing the same job for many years? Wouldn’t going to work be like going into a boring battlefield?

“It is a shame to just have hard work without talent. The lack of talent and hard work is tragic, ”says Robert Half. God has not only given man a body, but also a thinking brain. So it is necessary to leave the circle of mere hard work and walk the seedlings of thought. Such people reach high seats quickly.

Examples OF Smart Work:

                   A logging contest took place. Match between two strongmen. Both are equally strong. One day the trees should be cut down from morning to evening. Those who cut down more trees will be declared the winners. The competition is just beginning. One is hard worker. He kept cutting down trees without resting. The other was not nervous. Cut down trees. Rested. Ate lunch. Cut down trees again. In the end, he won. The only surprise for the hard worker. “I worked hard without a break. You worked a little less compared to me. How did you get the first prize? ” He asked in surprise.

The winner said. “You worked tirelessly. The tip of your ax kept blunting. I rested. I ate lunch and then sharpened my ax. That's why I won. "

Sharpen Our Thoughts:

                 Too often we forget to sharpen our thoughts. We are running one after the other on the same path like ants. We do not want to change the path even though there is a better path, a simpler path than that. We think it is enough to keep running that path hard.

                  When we first do an action it is hard for us. It becomes easier to do that process over and over again. Then that action sinks deeper into our brain. After that the brain works us to do that action without us even knowing it. That is why psychologists often say that people are reluctant to go the other way.

                   Smart work is about jumping from the usual way to the innovative way. People who study day and night sometimes fail. But those who plan, note, and rank the important ones also get higher marks in less labor.

                     Your success or failure depends on how you deal with the situation. The mind will always tell you how to behave in this environment. Only those who train the brain to think of ways beyond that remain intelligent.

Another Examples for Smart Work:

                            A toothpaste company was heading for collapse. Everyone ran and worked for the sale. The company wondered why the toothpaste was not selling. Buying toothpaste has found that people have enough for a very long day. Everyone wondered what the solution was. Someone said, “Let's make the mouthpiece bigger! People will use more. Soon the toothpaste is empty. Will buy! ”. That smart thinking took the company to new heights!

Anyone can become a smart servant. It is enough to have some basic things in mind.

First, make sure you have all the things you need to get the job done before you put your right foot in it. It can be material, it can be information, it can be knowledge!

Sort out what we are going to do. Keep alternatives in mind when planning. It will keep you traveling towards new functions. Once you have defined a plan, stick to it.

Doing everything one after the other is the Stone Age method, especially if you need to do a lot of work. It is a smart way to plan how many tasks can be done in a way that does not affect each other!

Start doing the most important work, the most productive work, the most respectable work first. It will mature you to make the next simple tasks easier.

Suppose you want to give a job to another person. There are two things you should note. One is to give it to the right person. Another is to give it at the right time. Failing one of these can lead you to unnecessary stress.

characteristics Of Smart Work:

Smart work should have three important characteristics

  • The first is to be able to do the work you need to do with minimal effort. 
  • The second is to be able to do it at low cost. 
  •  The third is to be able to finish on time. 

    Plan all actions with these three idols in mind.

Experts Views:

                      Experts say smart workers have self-confidence and a willingness to take risks. Those who lack self-confidence will continue to do the work they do. Its main reason is the fear of losing or going wrong. Do not hesitate to take some risks.

                     As important as it is to do an action, it is very important to finish it in a compelling way. It will give you a lot of hands to advertise your work in the right way.

                     Another very important thing is the mind that does not hesitate to learn. Many around you will be doing the same job as you. If they have any good technique do not hesitate to absorb it. The stubbornness of not accepting the next person's idea is meaningless.

                     For skilled workers, the benefits outweigh the benefits of hard work. Smart work is not a prelude to laziness. When it mixes with hard work the Bay of Bengal will greet you and the sky will come and greet you.

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