What is mean by Smart Phones:

               Smartphones can be described as the greatest development in today's technological world. The visceral growth it has undergone over the past few years is astounding. Every year technology that is many times more attractive than last year’s technology is banging on the smartphone. A smartphone can be like a wildfire, engulfed in a monstrous device.

What are the uses of smart phones?

                        These include letter, email, audio system, video player, camera, and browsing centers. The fact is that the computer has now become obsolete. However blockchain has not yet entered this mobile technology. That first track, the first preview was  performed by HTC..

The situation today is that everything we do on our mobile and internet can be stolen. The sleeper cells in our mobile, such as sensors, GPS trackers, and apps, are sending our information somewhere.

Data Importance:

                       In short, our data gives billions of crores of profits to famous companies. What do we gain in return? Are we the owners of this information? Does the owner have any copyright? Do we have any income from our information? It is natural for such questions to arise. The attractive feature is that Block Chain technology smartphones can solve all these.

                          The bitter truth is that our behavior, our shopping, our health, our banking transactions, our internet usage are all owned by a company, but not by us. Think about this a little differently. If someone else uses your information you will get a corresponding benefit. If not, will the environment in which your information is stolen change and the environment in which you share your information develop? .

                            Assume you have a land of your own. Would you just watch if someone occupied it? Then why are you only looking at your information if someone invades it? As he questions. Just as physical strength determined a man's worth in the Stone Age, information in today's age determines a man's strength. But no one realizes this. They think their information is of no use. Such indifference is the strength of big companies.

                            HTC has named its mobile phone Exodus 1. There is a book in the Bible called Exodus. The book is based on the story of Moses' deliverance of some 20 million Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. It is with that in mind that they have named this mobile Exodus. Many companies today say it is a new technology that frees users who are addicted.

                              Our information on this mobile is not valid for any other company. Familiar to those who use bank lockers. We have a key. There will be a key in the bank. The locker will only open if you press both keys. This blockchain technology also gives the user such a key. We can put what we need on that security site. The simple understanding is that no one can take that information without us wanting it.

Block Chain and their advantage:

                           Information security is guaranteed because all information that is shared will be shared with technology and security key that no one can copy. This is something that has never been possible in the digital world. Only the Block Chain has made it possible. This allows singers, writers, and video makers to own and share their information. Cyber ​​information theft will decrease.

                                   In a game area called mobile gaming, Block Chain is going to do a lot of serious work. An online game called Cryptocurrencies is being developed. In it you can raise a digital cat yourself. Let's play. Its value will continue to increase with use. A cat can only have one. Can't copy either. You can sell it yourself digitally outside, for real money! Blockchain is banging on with plans to transform the game area as a whole.

Millions of credit card information was stolen. We often hear reports that millions of resources have been stolen. Such a problem does not occur in blockchain technology. It is not possible to disable the entire site or steal the entire information.


For now the only problem is with these Block Chain phones. What if maybe your phone is stolen? Your digital money will only be in it. Your digital key will only be in it. So what to do? That is the biggest challenge right now. Technical solutions are now being considered.

Recovery Method:

                        First of all, it comes with the Social Key Recovery Method ,which is a recovery method in case the key is lost. None of this has a formula. We would have seen it in many Hollywood movies. A map is torn into several pieces and each piece is given to each person. Only if everything is included will the full map be available. Similarly, it is a way of dividing our key into smaller pieces and giving them to many people.

Maybe if the key is lost we can take all the pieces ourselves, attach them and find the key. They can't use it because everyone has only one part. Only we know who we are giving to. This is the only way to retrieve that key.

New apps need to be created for this Black Chain mobile. These are called D-Apps (D-Centralized Apps). These run on a technology called Peer to Peer rather than an individual. Thus faster marketing is possible.

This blockchain technology phone is a state-of-the-art technology that keeps track of future dreams. It may take a long time to speed up, but it's sure to have the potential to revolutionize the overall mobile app.

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