
                It's safe to say that this is the 3D era. Even though an English movie called Avatar came out,  3D  was all over the world. New 3D movies are being released from Hollywood to Kollywood. Work is also in full swing to dust off old 2D images and turn them into 3D.

                  Even though it's only a thousand, the experience of watching a 3D movie for the first time is very unhealthy?  from the screen will give us a hand ice cream that stretches towards us. Or as frightening as if something were coming and falling on us. The ashes of the sorcerer come crashing down on our face. Let's take the hand and stop ! If we leave, we will hit the next seat and push it down. The reason is that the scenes are so realistic! I have no doubt that people will not so easily forget the My dear little devil.

How is this 3D possible? 

                  In short, 3D is nothing but a trick that deceives our eyes. Do not be surprised. Quality cinematic tools and glasses help to make the movie look like 3D in 2D. The success of the technology depends on how realistic it is.


                    If you have the idea of ​​a recent 3D invention, dig that hole and bury that thought right away. That's the fruit of it! William Breeze Green, a British film director, applied for a patent in 1980. His product depends on the type of stereoscope. You may have seen a small device that children keep in their eyes. It will have two identical films, and when you look at it with both eyes at the same time you will see the 3D image inside! That's the shape of the stereoscope. This required two films to be screened side by side!

                               Ten years after Alec dropped the concept, Frederick Equine invented and patented a camera. It has two lenses spaced 4.45 cm apart. Then again, after a hiatus, a three-dimensional film was screened on June 10, 1915, at the Aster Theater in New York. It was run by Edwin Border and William Wade.

                                    That event is going to last almost a century. But at the time, it was plagued by procedural problems such as high cost and difficulty in screening. On September 27, 1922, the world's first 3D cinema to buy tickets and watch movies arrived. Its name is "The Power of Love". It was released at the Ambassador Hotel Theater in Los Angeles, USA.

                                        It was not until the 1950s that 3D became a commercial cinema commodity. Even then it did not spread like wildfire. Little by little it started to take root. During that time, large film production companies such as Walt Disney jumped into 3D production. So 3D moved to the next level. The period between 1950 and 1953 is called the "Golden Age of 3D". But then 3D lay down again!

                                         The only reason for that fatigue was because of the problems involved. To produce two films. Both should be the same. At the same speed, run without the slightest change. Have separate special screen. The reasons for the decline are layered as a lump sum.

                                             1960 saw a new revolution in 3D technology. Until then, if you want to make a 3D film, the status of two film rolls, two projectors, then the method of recording two films in one film roll was introduced! It came with the new nickname Space Vision 3D! It eliminates the monotonous headaches and gives a freshness to 3D movies!

                                                It was not until the 1980s that 3D strings began to grow. The period between 1985 and 2003 is called the rebirth period of 3D. A lot of three-dimensional images came and went during that period.


                                                    Like I said earlier, 3D movies do not come in three dimensions. They do the trick of transforming two-dimensional images into three-dimensional ones. Literary aficionados may even call this visual dizziness or visual error.

                                                      Anaglyph is its earliest type. Even today it is common in print media. Take pictures of each other in red and blue (not absolute blue) and look at it through special glasses. That special mirror will have red in one eye and blue in the other. They prioritize the image painted in a particular color and darken the rest. Only one layer is visible through one eye. The other layer is visible only to the next eye. When separated like this a three dimensional appearance is formed!

                                                          You may have heard of 3D TV! This is the technique on which it was based. Most television production companies have now abandoned this practice and entered the "polaroid" category.


                                       Polaroid? Yes, that's the next step. This was the most popular 3D technique after the 1950s. If you 've seen any 3D movie theater recently, you'll definitely seen this technology. The film will be screened by "Polaroid" builders. In this too the two images fall on top of each other. It should be seen through polaroid glasses. Although these glasses look identical, their angle is actually two. Normally at an angle of 45 to 135 degrees. It is positioned so that one eye can see one of the images coming through the Polaroid Builder and the other the other eye. This gives a real three-dimensional view when both eyes see the same image from a different angle. If you close your eyes, you can see only vague 2D!

                                   I  do not know if you have heard of Active Shutter Glasses. It's one of the most popular 3D glasses. This is a little special. There is always a connection between the screen and the mirror on which the picture is displayed. The screen sends a signal to our mirror depending on where we are looking at the image from. Basic information is exchanged based on which eye should receive the most light.

                                 Basically our eyes do not see at the same angle when looking at an object. If in doubt, close and open your eyes alternately. The object in front of you seems to move here and there. But when you look at it at once you know the crystal clear. My simple advice is to see an eye doctor if you do not know.

                                Now the next phase of 3D technology. Have you ever been forced to have glasses to watch a 3D movie? The only novelty is that there is no such thing. That level has now been successfully reached on 3D TV. Soon there will be three-dimensional viewing in theaters without glasses. The technique used to do that is called Parallax Barrier. This includes a series of pictures on the television screen. A parallax barrier screen is fitted in front of that screen. This screen does the work that our glass should do and that is the difference.

                                     All these are the tricks that show us a 2D movie as a 3D movie. But technologies that really show 3D images and people have arrived.

Examples Of 3D:

 In the movie Endhiran, a 3D image of Rajini comes and speaks. Such image men have begun to enter places such as airports, shopping malls, and offices. It's the art of drawing in the air! It is hoped that such figures will make for a much more reciprocal exchange of information in the future.

3D Examples

At a time when the world is storming into 3D technology, isn't it good to read this basic information in 2D ?!

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