How to Stop My Phone Addiction? 

                 Nowadays, it is strange to see someone without a mobile phone in hand, this tool has become an essential tool in our current society. The continued use of the phone, however, is high.



Preventing mobile addiction

Control phone usage

Discover external functions

Treatment for mobile addiction

How To Get Rid Of Mobile Addiction

Phone addiction for teens

Phone addiction in adults

Nowadays, it is strange to see someone without a mobile phone in hand, this tool has become an essential tool in our current society. However, the constant use of the phone, either by sending more messages, by making more use of social networks, or by making calls all day, triggers severe addiction.

Addiction to the phone means greatly reducing the range of our activity in social relationships, greatly increasing our stress and altering sleep rhythms. To avoid all these consequences, this article gives you the best tips on how to deal with mobile addiction.

Preventing mobile addiction:

Mobile phone or smart phone It has become a powerful tool for socialization and communication. Many of our communications are made through this device, and we can only become personal contacts by using a mobile phone. All of these factors contribute to the fact that there are more and more cases of mobile addiction, which is defined as the unhealthy need to be aware of our screen, the ability to check our social networks and our messages or WhatsApps.

A person addicted to the phone can spend hours staring at the screen, thus distorting their perception of time. It is important to prevent this kind of dependence and detect when we are abusing the mobile phone, in this way, we can achieve a healthy and creative relationship with this device.

Control phone usage:

The best way to prevent mobile addiction is to control it while using it. As we discussed earlier, many people lose time looking at the phone, which can be addictive. All we can get is to leave the phone silent during schedule, study or work, and control the moment we start using mobile .

Discover external functions:

Occupying our time with other types of tasks distracts us from looking at a screen all the time, it is important to strengthen and strengthen the direct connection with people, going out and enjoying the terrain, exercise . these activities give us the level of dopamine that the phone tries to give us in a barrage of multiple interactions.

Treatment for mobile addiction:

It is already too late. That, without realizing it, we become addicted to the phone, and this gives us a certain awkwardness of spending a few hours unaware of the mobile. Once we see that we have established a specific connection with this device, it is time to learn how to deal with mobile addiction.

How To Get Rid Of Mobile Addiction:

First, we need to look at how addicted we are, that is, to what extent it affects whether or not we hold the phone in our hands, how much time we spend without looking at it, and how many experiences we lose by being aware of the mobile .Once the attraction of the problem, at least some until we are completely free from the mobile phone You will have to learn to live without that tool at certain moments. In order to get rid of this addiction or addiction, we need to do it little by little by gradually changing our behavior and phone use.

The problem with this addiction is that we cannot be completely “liberated” and the mobile phone is practically an essential tool in our society. That is why the treatment to overcome this problem is the good use of our phone which is aimed at learning to do.

If we notice that the drug has not improved and is a problem that prevents healthy personal relationships, we may need to contact a specialist.

Phone addiction for teens:

Mobile dependence can appear in one way or another according to a combination of many factors, one of which is age. Depending on the moment we create the drug in our life, we should try to solve it in one way or another.

Among adolescents, the problem with treating this drug is the use of social networking sites by adolescents. Young people spend a lot of time in their lives noticing relationships, likes and virtual friendships. That is why therapy that targets adolescents can be a cornerstone in promoting relationships with each other, affirming their self-esteem based on their own image, and based on the opinions of others.

Phone addiction in adults:

In the case of mobile phone addiction in adults, the causes of this problem may be due to the procedures performed by the said device. Adults, especially those dedicated to business, use the telephone for most tasks, to call and communicate administrative decisions ... so, in their case, therapists focus on assigning responsibilities to other media and look for other means of communication.

It should be noted that the use of the phone varies according to the individual and their personality, in general, these differences are between generations, which may be adults or teenagers with other types of obligations addicted to social networks. That is why the treatment for overcoming a telephone addiction will always focus on the specific needs of each person.

It is important to remember that we should not give up the independent lifestyle of screens if all treatment to combat the role of mobile addiction is one that promotes outdoor activities and expensive personal relationships.

This article is simply informative and does not authorize us to make a psychological-online diagnosis or prescribe treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your specific case.

If you would like to read similar additional articles on how to deal with mobile addiction, we recommend entering our addiction category.

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