what is mean by rainbow?

              There is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the morning to the rainbow, right? This phenomenon is very interesting, especially considering that it only occurs on Venus and here, on Earth. short form of the Rainbow and to remember that rainbow color shortly called as VIBGYOR( vibgyor colors rainbow)


How does it develop? They are rainbow colors and in what order do they appear? And many more, we're going to talk about one of the weather events here.

The human eye is capable of seeing amazing events:

                   To understand what, how it is formed and the colors of the rainbow seen, I do not want to start the article without first telling you a little bit about how our eyes look. This way, it will be easier for you to understand, and of course, the next time you see it again, you will enjoy it more.

Believe it or not, the human eye is one of nature's finest works (yes, even if you have to wear contact lenses). Our eyes are very sensitive to light (it is made up of white, i.e. red, green and blue), but what appears to us to be one color is actually another color. Why? Because they absorb one part of the light that illuminates the object and reflect another small part; In other words, when we see a white object, we actually see that the basic colors of the spectrum are mixed, and on the other hand, if we see the object as black, it is because it absorbs all the electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum.

And what is the visible spectrum? It is nothing more than an electromagnetic spectrum that can be felt by the human eye. This radiation is called visible light, which is what we can see or distinguish. A typical healthy eye can respond to wavelengths ranging from 390 to 750nm.

What are the colors of the rainbow?

The rainbow has seven colors, and the first color of the rainbow is red. TO They appear in this order:

                                                                  Green. Green leads to so-called cool colors.

When does rainbow occur?

They occur on rainy days in the rainbow (usually it is slightly cloudy) or on days when the atmospheric humidity is very high. In both cases, the king star is visible in the sky and we will always have it on our backs.

Can there be a double rainbow?

Double rainbows are not very common, but you can see them from time to time. They form from the sun's rays, which enter the lower half of the drop, and then return after giving two internal bumps. In doing so, the rays pass out in reverse order, leading to the 7 colors of the rainbow, but not in reverse. This second one looks weaker than the first one, but it would be better if there were three instead of two inner pots than the third one.

The area between the arches is the "Dark Zone of Alejandro".

Interests about the rainbow:

                       This phenomenon has been going on for millions and millions of years, but the truth is that no one tried to give him a scientific explanation until three centuries ago. Until then, it was considered a gift from God to humans after the Universal Flood (according to the Old Testament), and was also seen as a necklace commemorating the flood of Gilgamesh (according to the "epic of Gilgamesh"), an angelic deity between heaven and earth whom she called Iris.

Most recently, in 1611, Antonius de Demini put forward his theory, which was later refined by Rene Descartes. But it was not they, but Isaac Newton, who exposed the official theory of the formation of the rainbow.

This brilliant scientist was able to show with the help of a prism that white light from the sun has red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colors .. The colors of the rainbow.

Have you ever seen a double rainbow? Do you already know what the colors of the rainbow are?

Discover Paleo Clouds, some beautiful ones with the colors of the rainbow

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