
   "There is no need to always remember what the truth-tellers have to say," said Sam Reben a century ago.

We don’t talk much about what’s important. The most important thing on that important list is this honesty. We pursue economics, ambition, and fame. But we forget to talk about honesty. It can even be said that at most our children know honesty only in primary school books.


Honesty in their childhood:

            Talking about honesty and truth to children at an early age and not fulfilling it ourselves. Then our advice will not stay in the minds of children.

Famine for honesty in the country today. Honesty is inherent in human beings. But in today's world, honest people are becoming more and more popular. That's why the automaker who returns the lost bag looks like a symbol of surprise to our eyes!

Only those who sow honesty can reap hope. But is it easy to be honest and truthful? It may seem simple to hear but in real life it is the hardest thing! A firm mind is essential to follow this.

We leave this determination flying in the air for a variety of reasons in daily life. We sometimes hide the truth in order to prove that there is nothing wrong with us. Many times we give up honesty to put the blame on the shoulders of others. We often conclude that the simplest way to escape punishment is to abandon honesty.

Sometimes we put on a false mask so as not to be insulted in front of others.

Even dry dignity often leads to a barrage of lies about ourselves and our background.

We are silently advocating lies so as not to cause disagreement with some.

Sometimes we even hide the truth and deny honesty in order to shirk responsibilities.

Many times like this the determination of our mind to hide a little and even the honesty disappears. What is important for human life is not economics, but values. Life built on good values ​​is the source of social growth and happiness.

Reasons for dishonesty:

                  Notice in which area you lie the most. Only you, as the parent can know for sure. It may be a specific context, or it may be a specific person. Finding out where you are stumbling can strengthen your honesty and truth in that space.

                   Suppose you are dishonest when it comes to money. Think about what can be done to eliminate it. The peace of mind of an honest mind is immeasurable. Think of everything from cheating the government without paying taxes to lying to your spouse. Do not hesitate to apologize or return what you do not own.

                    The child of false fear. Only the most courageous can be honest. Whether you have the courage to admit your weakness or the majesty of telling the truth to your boss - there is courage behind honesty. Only the fearless mind will sit on the throne of honesty and truth. So keep in mind that honesty can have consequences.

                    Even though the world speaks of the righteous as "ignorant", society still holds him in high esteem. His words will have the confidence of an immovable nail.

                     You have to think honestly if you want to be honest. It is better not to report with the mouth what is not seen by the eyes. It is a bad habit for many people to imagine many things and let their ears wander to what they hear. If you get used to reading with the mind of "truth" what you hear, see and read, it will manifest in your actions.

                     Predictions such as "may be", "may be", and "may have happened" are often the first trace of dishonest conversations. Avoiding it is a sign of honest vision.

                       It is a common misconception that lying is not a bad thing at all. A lie is a lie, and it is not always true. It could be a flower picked from a house rose next door or a pencil stolen from the office. That's a lie. If you learn to be honest in small things, that habit will come and stick in big things. So start telling the truth from the little things.

Avoid Lies:       

                 Lies that are told without hurting others are called "white lies." Valluvar has said that it is a lie and a lie. It is better not to tell such lies. Lies like "This dress is so good" will not hurt anyone. Yet it will tarnish your true nature. It is better to keep quiet than to say no.

                          Being honest will make you a better character. Confidence in yourself is many times stronger when you continue to love honesty. Others will begin to look at your life with dignity and respect. You will become a guide for others.

It is better not to say certain things. The general opinion is that it shows honesty. Not really. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. If you do an act, think about whether it will make you lie later. The way adults say not to do such things. Stealing acts will definitely make you lie. So instill honesty in actions.

Complete Truth is better:

                       Half true is a complete lie! Truth is absolute. Do not miscalculate that telling a little truth can escape the question of your conscience. Speak the truth. Truth is not afraid to see any question.

                        It is better to stay away from people who say, "I never said a thing to anyone." Untruthfulness is another form of lying.

                         Lying can make us feel guilty without even realizing it. It can also lead to confusion and self-doubt. Those whose minds are too heavy will often not love the facts.

                           Family is the first place where honesty is to grow. When there are true conversations and friendships that do not lie between family members, that scent will blow in the community as well. It is better to live honestly and deal with problems than to live hypocritically thinking that problems will come.

                             Abraham Lincoln worked in a store at a young age. He excels at being customer, loving, polite, and honest. Once at midnight while checking the account cases the account crashed! He found that he had given some money to a person. He immediately locked the shop and went to look for the person who was far away and left with the rest of the money. Honesty was ingrained in him.


We often focus on what we can say rather than what is true. A non-running watch is better than many humans. It will show the most accurate time at least twice a day.

                                                      Practice honesty

                                                      That is the beauty

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